Senate FAQ

How can I speak during a Senate meeting?

The agendas for Senate meetings are announced 72 hours in advance and can be found on Government Documents page of the ASUCD Website. The meetings follow Parliamentary Procedures. If you are unfamiliar with these procedures you can follow the guidelines here. To speak at a virtual Senate meeting use the virtual “raise hand” feature during public discussion.

When and where are Senate meetings held?

Meetings are usually held on Thursdays starting at 6:10pm in the Mee Room on the 3rd floor of the Memorial Union or virtually. No meetings occur during Finals Week unless a special meeting is called. 

How can I place an item on the agenda?

If you would like to place an item on the agenda, email the ASUCD Vice President at no later than 11:59 pm on the Sunday prior to the Thursday Senate meeting.

How can I contact the ASUCD Senate?

If you would like to contact the ASUCD Senate regarding any issue on campus, you may reach out to any ASUCD Senator listed below or send an email to the Senate Listserv at

Submit public comments to ASUCD Senate

Please use this form to submit a public comment to the ASUCD Senate. Your comment will be read out loud or otherwise included in the meeting minutes. Comments are due by the start of each Senate meeting (6:10 PM).  Please email for more information.